Sam Breed

Product Developer, Investor

Links, October 2023

shorter days for links

Photo of a golden retriever attentively sitting in front of a vintage personal computer, with BYTE magazine branding at the top. - DALLE 3
Photo of a golden retriever attentively sitting in front of a vintage personal computer, with BYTE magazine branding at the top. - DALLE 3

October is the longest month in Q4. This is somewhat cursed knowledge.

You only know that if you’ve been on a tight deadline as the end of the year approaches, and if you ever bother to count the work days, excluding the holidays. Close to 20 in October. Less in November and even fewer in December because of the holidays.

So it’s only fitting that I completely blew it and am doing this a few days late, having made sure that my October was as jam packed with work as possible, an unconscious reaction from years of quarterly grinding, but I am not complaining. Here are the links from October 2023.

I’ve been reading Vineland by Thomas Pynchon, a book I remember starting but never finishing. I picked it back up after reading The Ghost Forest by Greg King, which had reminded me of Vineland in some key details.

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